Pregnancy yoga: seated poses

Pregnancy yoga: seated poses
June 30, 2017 blackginger

Want simple pregnancy yoga poses to help enjoy a healthy pregnancy? Try these seated poses to ease back tension, an ideal pregnant women yoga pose!

We’re great fans of this core yoga pose for pregnant women – practise it whenever possible! It will help open up your pelvis to make space for your baby, improve the mobility of your hip joints ready for birth and is good for easing any tension in your neck and shoulders.

pregnancy yoga seated poses

Start with you back against a wall (or a partner) legs stretched out in front of you. Now spread your legs as wide as possible, just as far as feels comfortable without over-stretching.
Move away from the wall to lean back onto your hands and then lean forward slightly, placing your hands on the floor in front of you. Keep your weight focussed on your sitting bones and hips. Breathe deeply as you return to an upright position.
Extend your legs away from you, stretching your heels out and turning your toes up towards the ceiling and let your hands rest on your thighs. Continue to breathe, lengthening your spine whilst keeping your pelvis firmly grounded on the floor.

FittaMamma tip: This is good pregnancy yoga pose that you can practise regularly as it becomes more comfortable. There’s nothing to stop you sitting in this position when you’re watching the television, reading a book or playing on the floor with your toddler.

Pregnancy Yoga: what to wear

Mamaste 🙏 specialist maternity activewear designed to bend and stretch with you, but never riding up or exposing you. However  you practice 🧘