Vicky Warr helps mums to be and new mums get toned up safely during pregnancy and improve core strength to help deliver thier baby and flatten thier tummy muscles, heal abdominal seperation and improve thier core after having thier baby. Her mexercise method Bump & Beyond has an online studio for classes at any time.
Bump & Beyond Pregnancy and Postnatal exercise and healthy eating method, created by Vicky Warr, is endorsed and medically recognised. Vicky's method helps pregnant women gain core strength and get in great shape to help deliver their baby.
After pregnancy her method helps mums strengthen and flatten their tummy muscles, close diastasis recti and heal their pelvic floor. The results are amazing. Programs are both online and pregnancy and postnatal exercise group classes in held in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK.
Bump & Beyond studio is the online postnatal home fitness and food programme with short videos, easy food plans and personal support.
Here's a snapshot of what you'll get: Realistic, delicious nutrition plans based on real food you can easily access and make quickly that your children will like too. The specific exercise advice to bring those tummy muscles back together, safely and Lose mummy tummy postnatal fitness progressively. They are designed for a body that had children, no matter when that was. Bite-sized exercise videos that ramp up your fitness at a safe and sustainable level. No gym or lots of difficult to store equipment needed! Exercise anytime, anywhere. The care of an expert post natal personal trainer (no matter how many years 'post natal' you are).
The motivation and support of an online community of like-minded members so you feel like you are training and reporting back to others. Email support to kick start your programme It's the combination that gets your body back and improves your confidence, conveniently brought to you with modern technology in one complete package. Following the food advice, exercise videos and being part of the community means you can lose the ‘mummy pooch', tone up all over and fit back into your pre-pregnancy dresses and jeans.