Combine these 3rd trimester pregnancy exercises with cardio for a full fit pregnancy workout no matter how big your bump!
We’ve put together a whole set of exercises for pregnancy, designed for each trimester. Our speedy 10 minute workout will help maintain your fitness for pregnancy, especially as part of a longer fitness session including some cardiovascular exercise as well – walking is a great option as your bump gets bigger! Remember to warm up and cool down and follow the instructions for your pregnancy fitness level.
1. Side-lying leg lift and inner-thigh squeeze
Who doesn’t want to slimline those problem areas on the insides and outsides of your upper thighs?
Outer thighs
Lie on your side, with your body in a straight line, one leg bent under you at 90 degrees and your head resting on your hand. Put a pillow under your bump if you like. Make sure your hips are stacked on top of each other.
Extend your top leg and slowly lift it, keeping your toe pointing forwards and squeezing your outer thigh as you lift.
Slowly lower your leg to the starting position. Do all reps without resting your leg.
Inner thighs
While still on your side, to work your opposite inner thigh, shift your weight backwards so that you are resting on your elbow and your back leg is bent, with your foot on the floor.
Extend your front leg out to 45 degrees and slowly lift it, keeping your foot flat and parallel to the floor. Squeeze your inner thigh as you lift. Slowly lower the leg to the starting position, but try not to rest it on the floor. Again, do all your reps without resting your leg.
Repeat 15–20 times for each exercise and do two sets. Do both exercises on the other side!
Easier: No weights, hands rested, gentle squeeze
Harder: Rest weights on your outer and inner thighs respectively and add resistance with your hand on both the upward and downward movement
2. Standing triceps push-back (2 x 1kg weights)
Make sure your upper body doesn’t lean forwards; the only movement should be in your arms.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
Hold a light weight in each hand, with your arms straight down by your sides, just slightly pushed back.
Slowly lift your arms until they are straight out behind you and squeeze your triceps as you push your palms towards the sky. Make sure your arms stay close to your body. Bring your arms back to the starting position.
Repeat 15–20 times and do two sets.
Easier: Lighter weights
Harder: Use heavier weights and follow your basic set with ten pulses and a ten-second hold at the highest point
3. Seated chest-press and ab-hold (2 x 1kg weights)
This is adding another dimension to the ab-squeeze. Tone your upper body at the same time!
Sit in a chair, with your shoulders back and feet flat on the floor.
Breathe in deeply and let your chest expand. Then, as you exhale, draw your belly button in so that your lower back touches the back of the chair. The rest of your body should be still. Hold this position, making sure you can breathe comfortably. Hold a light weight in each hand, with your arms bent and the weights at head height. Keep your shoulders back.
Slowly bring your arms around to the front, so that your forearms meet and the weights touch. Keep the weights at face height as you do your chest-press.
Slowly return your arms to the starting position. Once you have completed your chest press repetitions release your abs.
Repeat 15–20 times and do two sets.
Easier: Lighter weights
Harder: Heavier weights, more reps
When doing any activity when pregnant make sure you listen to your body and stop if you feel uncomfortable Always consult your doctor or midwife if you have any concerns.
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